We're extending the Small Farm. Strong Business Appeal.

As global food and fuel prices rise drastically, the farmers we work alongside in Kenya are feeling the effects - and things are set to get worse as years of drought and erratic rain take their toll. 

We were planning to close our Easter Appeal today, but new information has come to light. We wanted to share it with enough time for everyone to respond.

This week we heard from Janet Ruminju - our team leader in East Africa and this is the situation people are facing:

  • Basic food prices in project areas have already risen 20-30%

  • Public transport costs have risen by 40%

  • Fertiliser costs are up by as much as 175%

Fuel costs are skyrocketing - so it's more expensive to get your crops to market. This then cuts into the profits needed to buy next season’s seeds and fertiliser.

We need your help to meet this crisis point with positive and practical solutions.

Seeds, transport, food. Pick two.

Right now, in the midst of the global food crisis, farmers are facing an impossible choice.

Do they invest in the seeds and fertiliser they need to ensure a good harvest next season?

Or prioritise the basic things they need right now to provide for their families?

We’ve taken the decision to extend the ‘Small farms, strong business’ appeal for one more week, because we believe, and we know you do too, that no one should face these choices.

We know that with the right investment, farmers can make choices today which provide a safety net for tomorrow. They can grow their small farms into strong businesses which can help them get through the coming crisis.

donate today

As Janet passed on the information this week she said these simple, essential words...

This is the time to do more than ever.

When crisis hits, we respond by supporting those who need it most - and work together for a better future.


This season, the billionaires are mostly wearing… inequality. 


"I am the one who has not been to school"