Why trade?

The system that exploits the world’s producers and destroys the planet - it can be transformed.

We are all connected through trade

The clothes we wear, the food we eat, the devices in our pockets - they’re all part of a global story.

But the system is setup to make a tiny percentage of the world extremely wealthy.

Meanwhile, producers are exploited – underpaid, undervalued, and forced to work in unsafe conditions.

Why trade?

Because if we can change the way we trade - in partnership with the world’s producers - we can solve big problems.

Here are three transformations we work for every day:

  • In the world of trade, paying people a decent wage is somehow an alternative practice. We support producers groups who treat people well - and pay fairly - so that their impact and influence grows.

  • Trade has powerful solutions to fighting the climate crisis. We support producers who are finding innovative ways to protect the planet and work sustainably even in the most difficult circumstances.

  • Let’s say it how it is - making pure profit at the expense of people and planet is a bad idea. Everyone agrees with the principle but their actions tell a different story. We partner with producers to shine a light on bad practice and show a better way forward.

People centred trade

It’s a simple concept

That trade should support humanity - and the planet we all live on.

But convincing the world to change will take time - and your voice and your actions matter.