The women fighting for a fair deal from the trade system. 

This International Women’s Day, we’re shining a light on the persistent gender inequality shaping people’s lives around the world, and sharing the progress being made by women we work with - the farmers, producers and artisans fighting for a fair deal from the trade system. They are transforming their communities — and give us all hope for a fairer future.

Globally, women spend 2.5x as long on unpaid domestic and care labour as men - and still face barriers to equal opportunity in the workplace.

“Because we are born female we cannot move our head high in the society. We cannot go out and work. I couldn't go to work in the field before but after the WEE project came and we got training that we can't sit idly, everyone could work. 

Now I don't sit anymore, I go out to work.  

Now my in-laws never say anything to me about going out or about my outside work, even if I am late in cooking, my husband supports me and says I am cooking for you, you go finish your outside work. Earlier my husband wouldn't accept any advice I gave him saying do you know more or a man always knows more than they say a woman knows less but now after getting that training he listens to what I say and values my words.”

- Tania Shilpy, WEE Project Participant, Bangladesh

“This shop is a platform for women to make their voice heard. This social networking is really helping the women to empower themselves. And I must say, the shop does not only act for the benefit of women. It’s slowly evolving into an entity that is helping to strengthen the communication amongst men and women in the society. The store is thus playing an important role to discard gender stereotypes, and therefore empowering women for social development holistically.”

- Eva Rani, community-shop manager, Bangladesh

Globally, two billion women and girls have no access to any form of social protection - and the gap between men and women is widening. Social protections like pensions, or maternity benefits are a bulwark against poverty which disproportionately affects women - at current rates it could take another 137 years to end extreme poverty for women.

“I’ve seen the direct impact of the business on the women who run it and produce for it and it gives me so much passion to continue.  I've seen women empowered. When Meru first started, in those days men took priority and women were left behind. Now our workers have their own bank accounts and their own money, they own land with their own title, and they’ve built better homes for their children.”

Sally, Meru Herbs - speaking at the One World Fairtrade Shop in Edinburgh.

Women continue to be underrepresented in leadership positions - holding one in every 4 seats in parliaments and 1 in every 3 in local government. Senior leadership and decision-making positions in businesses are still restricted by a glass ceiling.

“I take a lot of lessons in leadership from my parents. My mum was a leader - I have passed on these lessons to my daughters as well and they are all leaders in their respective fields.

As a woman leader you must be courageous, and very honest – you must never cheat.

I know women are very shy and during elections we are called all sorts of nonsense. The insults we receive moves straight from one ear to the next, and you solider on- that is how I live. I have learnt that what people say about me is not who I am.

As a woman you have to learn how to manage all those stresses, because when you get home your family needs you, so, you need to forget all those stresses. I tell people that the information I have in my brain is there because I want it to be there.

I have found myself in leadership positions as the only woman, and most women cannot tolerate how these men behave and disrespect women. I have been fighting for women, and no man will mistreat women while I am around, whether it is our president or one of my colleagues. Women should be courageous, trusted, honest and learn how to be brave.”

Grace, board member, Nyeri Chai Farmers Association , Kenya

“We have fewer women on the board. The association has challenged the women and, we’ve decided that this will change. We will elect our leaders very soon; we will elect more women. It is the women who understand the struggles of being a smallholder tea grower. Look at our tea collection centre, majority of those are women.”

Phoebe Wanjira Mucheke, farmer, Nyeri Chai Farmers Association, Kenya

Not only does the gender wage gap persist, but around the world women are half as men to have full-time jobs. Those who do can earn up to one-third less than their male counterparts, and payment and promotion opportunities are limited by the disproportionate caring responsibilities women face.

“Men in these villages sit and talk – but you don’t really see women doing that. Men claim public space, women have to stay at home. You can’t even walk ahead of someone who is elder than you. Men in high social position dominate the space – but now not so much. Things are changing.   

Some people come here and don’t pay us the full amount for other artisan work. The good hospital is over 3km away through the hills. There is no running water – we have to get water from wells from 2-3km away and we have to do this twice a day in summer. There are also wild animals – leopards – around here, they attack our animals and when they are around we go to use the toilet in a group.” 

Meera Bhai Gemti, artisan trainer, Sadhna , India

Barriers remain restricting women and girl’s access to education - women still account for two-thirds of adults unable to read, and over 250 million children remain out of school. When women have access to earn their own income, they are more likely to invest it in their children’s education.

“Women invest in their children’s education. Most of Sadhna’s artisans have educated their kids, be it a boy or girl, very well. Some of the daughters join and learn the craft.  Women have used that money to build their houses – and have done something important like their child’s marriage or supporting their girls in distress. But above all it is money that they have in their hands.

That’s something not every woman has or has had. The account is in their name, without their signature the money can’t move. That's powerful.

The centre there is looked at as a space for the women. That kind of space in a male dominated area is not easy. That is social change. Businesses like Sadhna show the impact fair business can have on the lives on people.”

Smriti Keda, former CEO, Sadhna  


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