We’re done tinkering at the edges.

It’s time for wholesale solutions.

We spend a lot of time explaining exactly how the trade system is broken. How it underpays, exploits and harms the people at the very bottom of supply chains. How it enriches a small minority at the top, often from ex-colonial powers, and how its environmental impact is wholly unsustainable. 

Constantly exposing the harm and damage conventional trade does is important work – but we’re tired of it. We want to answer a fundamental question – one that drives our work and informs our new purpose as Transform Trade…
What does a different trade system look like?

Here’s our answer: It’s called People Centred Trade.

hallmarks of people centred trade

Because we’re done tinkering at the edges. It’s time for wholesale solutions. 

The People Centred Trade report is our manifesto as Transform Trade, born out of the same spirit that founded Traidcraft in the 1970s – the belief that trade can be better. 

Together as a global community, this is how we’ll build it. 
Are you in? Sign the official record of support for people centred trade here.


Farmers and finance - how did Sunak do at COP27?


It’s time we talked about trade.