The future of the Groceries Code Adjudicator

January 2017

Part II of Traidcraft's response to the UK government's review of the role of the Groceries Code Adjudicator. This makes the case that the Adjudicator's remit should be extended to include indirect suppliers to supermarkets. 

Traidcraft was an active member of the Groceries Market Action Group, an informal group of civil society organisations and others which lobbied for the establishment of the GCA. Having advocated for regulation of supermarket purchasing practices since 2003, we have a clear understanding of the purpose for which the GCA was established and the objectives with which it was originally tasked.

More recently, Traidcraft coordinates the Groceries Code Action Network, a coalition of 23 trade associations, member associations, NGOs, unions, food groups and other civil society organisations advocating for the extension of the GCA to support fairer trading relationships throughout the groceries supply chain.

We have also made a submission to ‘Part I’ of this review offering our assessment of the GCA’s performance against its remit up to 31 March 2016.


Extending the GCA: Frequently Asked Questions


The performance of the Groceries Code Adjudicator