Finding hidden homeworkers in apparel & footwear supply chains


A practical toolkit for brands.

Homeworkers, mainly women, are often engaged in informal tiers of apparel and footwear supply chains beyond the factory. Their precarious employment, out of sight of auditors and inspectors, combined with weak or absent legal protections, put them at risk of exploitation, and they have some of the worst pay and conditions of any workers in the value chain. The lack of visibility of homeworkers hampers the ability of international Brands and retailers to address the issues of homeworkers within their own supply chains.

This is a toolkit to help businesses (and organisations working with them) improve transparency about homeworking within their supply chains.

The toolkit was produced by Homeworkers Worldwide (HWW) and Cividep India, in collaboration with Traidcraft Exchange, under the EU co-funded Hidden Homeworkers Project.


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