The latest news and updates from Transform Trade.
The best Black Friday deal this year is still to come...
The best Black Friday deal this year is still to come…
Tiny particles of dust.
Imagine a work environment inches deep in fabric dust – the air thick with fibres. Every time you take a breath, you’re inhaling more dust.
Focus on Sadhna
Thanks to the Producer Fund, women’s garment co-operative Sadhna can expand, providing job opportunities for even more women, and designing a new range of zero waste clothing.
How one women’s co-operative is changing lives in India
Today, we’re sharing a story of what happens for women when trade is done well - and the impact ethical business can have on a whole community.
It’s ok to love a fast fashion item…
The scale of the abuses in the fashion industry can feel so vast, and our power as individual consumers so small, that we give up hope that the sector can really be different.
But today we’re telling you something you won’t often hear; it’s ok to love a fast fashion item. And here’s why…
Global fashion brands accused of unfair practices - report
In a new report Bangaldeshi garment suppliers accuse big fashion brands of unfair treatment including paying less than the cost of production.
This season, the billionaires are mostly wearing… inequality.
Despite the past two years causing havoc for global fashion supply chains, the family that owns Primark have seen their wealth increase by £2.5 billion in the past year alone.